Cash Rate

w/l Ratio

DDH regularly screens the websites of financial service providers and collects, among other things, the loss rates published by the companies. This data is used to determine statistical surveys and to derive trends and developments within the industry. From the following overview, for example, you can see how the current ratios have developed in comparison to the previous quarter.


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Quarterly statistics on ESMA loss ratios ("CBR ratio") reporting Total : -, Increased: -, Decreased: -, Unchanged: -, 74%-89%: -, CBR n/a : -, White Label: -
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Loss ratio monitoring ("CBR trend")

The following overview gives a non-binding impression of how the CBR ratios have developed in the respective current reference period. We have compiled background information on loss ratio monitoring for you on this page. If you are interested in further overviews, you may find what you are looking for here.
Comparison of previous month to current month - loss rate increased
This overview lists the companies from whose publication of CBR ratios it can be deduced that the statistics have deteriorated quarter-on-quarter.
Comparison of previous month to current month - loss rate decreased
This overview lists the companies from whose publication of CBR ratios it can be deduced that the statistics have improved quarter-on-quarter.
Comparison of previous month to current month - loss ratio unchanged
This overview lists the companies from whose publication of the CBR ratios it can be deduced that no change has taken place.
Comparison of previous month to current month - 74%-89% Range
This overview lists the companies that follow ESMA's standard formulation when publishing loss ratios.
Comparison of previous month to current month - No information available
This overview lists the companies for which no data was available during the quarterly check.
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Cash Burn Rate Ratio - Trends and Developments

The standard view shows all financial service providers for which a comparative comparison of loss ratios at quarterly level was possible. This requirement is not always met. One reason for this could be a new inclusion in the DDH coverage. Since the data has already been collected since 2018 and recorded in data histories, a deeper interpretation of the information reveals that not all financial service providers have disclosed or updated the company-specific figures at the prescribed intervals. For financial service providers that do not have to publish CBR ratios, do not fall under a corresponding regulation or follow an exemption, an adequate value is automatically assigned.

For companies that have opted for the standard disclosure proposed by ESMA (74% - 89%), the higher value of the specified range is shown. For companies that make qualitative statements instead of numerical values ("... the vast majority..."), the CBR value is quantified as 90% to enable differentiation.

If, based on the CBR ratios, you are interested in background information on the respective financial service providers, click on one of the buttons provided within the content element you have selected.

Some financial service providers update the CBR ratios at shorter intervals than required. This is commendable and is (positively) weighted accordingly in the DDH scoring.

1The data published on the portal refers to a fixed cut-off date and may therefore differ from current data.